Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My First Blog

I started this blog as a creative outlet for multiple reasons. Quite frankly, I think I'm superwoman and I can do it all! I almost named my blog 'I can do it all'.

I am a wife, a full time employee, a part time business owner, am trying to lose 40 pounds, and attempting to try to have a baby with my husband. Why not add blogging to my resume?

Let's start with the name of my blog so you can better understand the quirkiness that is me and my hubby. After we got married, I called my husband husBAND (emphasis on BAND, like rock band). So now everytime he comes home, I say "HusBAND?" and he walks up the steps and says "yeah". Well one night, when he came up the steps, he replied with "WifeBAND?" I thought it was so stupid and hilarious all at the same time and almost 2 years later it has stuck and it's what we affectionately call each other. So it's rather appropriate that I call my blog wifeBAND stories! These are afterall going to be the stories of someone who is a wife first and all other things second.

So I hope you enjoy my stories and like hearing about this crazy journey I've been embarking on for 32 years!

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